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TYPO3 v12 LTS Release Parties

We are getting ready to celebrate the release of the newest TYPO3 v12 LTS release on 25 April 2023. Here’s an overview of all currently planned…

TYPO3 11.5.26 and 10.4.37 maintenance releases published

The versions 11.5.26 and 10.4.37 of the TYPO3 Enterprise Content Management System have just been released.

TYPO3 v10 End of Free Support Announcement

After three years of active support and maintenance, TYPO3 v10 LTS will reach its end of free support on 30 April 2023. This article summarizes the…

Being TYPO3 at a Seminar on Locally Led Development in Civil Society Partnerships

Well-governed, free and open source projects like TYPO3 can help put international development cooperation back in the court of real, fair…

Report of Web Camp Venlo 2023

Web Camp Venlo 2023 spanned three days, each with a different focus, catering to a particular audience and with specific intentions. While the first…


The last sprint release of the v12 series is out. Today we proudly released TYPO3 version 12.3, including all features we have planned for the…

Join the Inter-Project Documentation Rendering Code Sprint

On 20 and 21 April 2023, members of at least four open-source projects will meet at the TYPO3 office in Düsseldorf, Germany, to bring PHP-based…

General Assembly and 25th Anniversary Celebration

Be part of an important moment in the democratic life of the TYPO3 project. The next TYPO3 Association General Assembly will be held 18 April 2023.…

TYPO3-EXT-SA-2023-003: Cross-Site Scripting in extension "Fluid Components" (fluid_components)

It has been discovered that the extension "Fluid Components" (fluid_components) is susceptible to Cross-Site Scripting.

Presentation: Candidates for the Board and Business Control Committee Elections, 2023

The nomination phase for the upcoming elections to the TYPO3 Association Board and Business Control Committee (BCC) has ended and we're happy to…

Content Blocks, Content Blocks, Content Blocks

With our announcement to introduce Content Blocks as a TYPO3 Core system extension at the TYPO3 Developer Days 2022, we have been very busy to make it…

TYPO3 11.5.25 maintenance release published

The version 11.5.25 of the TYPO3 Enterprise Content Management System has just been released.

Report on TYPO3-Based Government Websites in Rwanda??

Since 2019, 250 Rwandan government websites have been planned, built, and launched using TYPO3. At least as many more are on the way. In collaboration…

Exploring the TYPO3 Community’s Values

In the TYPO3 Community Language & Writing Guide, we have a set of values that articulate the identity of the TYPO3 Project. They fall into three…

Conception of an Index for Digital Sovereignty Based on the Example of TYPO3

Digital sovereignty is a nation's ability to control its digital destiny and may include control over the entire supply chain, from data to hardware…

New GDPR-Compliant TYPO3 Association Member-API

Have you ever wanted to quickly verify that you are doing business with a real TYPO3 member? Now you can.

Annual Report of the TYPO3 Documentation Team, 2022

The TYPO3 documentation tools are constantly improved by the TYPO3 Documentation Team to support you, the reader, in getting comprehensive information…

TYPO3-EXT-SA-2023-002: Persisted Cross-Site Scripting in extension "Forms Export" (frp_form_answers)

It has been discovered that the extension "Forms Export" (frp_form_answers) is susceptible to Cross-Site Scripting.

Join a Sprint Without Breaking a Sweat

Working intensively together in one place over a few days can be more effective than working alone. That’s why the TYPO3 community organizes sprints.…

TYPO3 11.5.24 maintenance release published

The version 11.5.24 of the TYPO3 Enterprise Content Management System has just been released.

Shape the Future of TYPO3

Are you a passionate member of the community? Do you have a vision for the future of TYPO3? Whether you are a developer or non-code contributor, TYPO3…

Thank you Martin for Many Years of Dedication

Martin Bless has decided to step down as Documentation Team leader but he will stay in the team and continue to support us. Lina Wolf will become the…

TYPO3 v12.2—Around The World

The first sprint release this year is out! TYPO3 version 12.2 comes with backend UI improvements in the Filelist module, a new API that provides…

TYPO3 12.2.0, 11.5.23 and 10.4.36 security releases published

The versions 12.2.0, 11.5.23 and 10.4.36 of the TYPO3 Enterprise Content Management System have just been released.

TYPO3-CORE-SA-2023-001: Persisted Cross-Site Scripting in Frontend Rendering

It has been discovered that TYPO3 CMS is vulnerable to cross-site scripting.

TYPO3-PSA-2023-001: Important Security-Bulletin Pre-Announcement

The TYPO3 Security Team pre-announces an important security release.

Putting the Vision, Mission, and Purpose for the TYPO3 Project Into Words

TYPO3 has always had a great community with strong values. The community knows where it wants to go, but the direction has never been properly…

TYPO3-EXT-SA-2023-001: Broken Access Control in extension "femanager" (femanager)

It has been discovered that the extension "femanager" (femanager) is susceptible to Broken Access Control.

TYPO3 Community Writer’s Guide

We’re excited to announce the launch of the Community Writer's Guide. This guide is designed to help anyone in the TYPO3 community create clear,…

Annual Report of the TYPO3 Expansion Committee, 2022

The committee has expanded our international network and worked to strengthen TYPO3’s profile in developing markets. In these markets, TYPO3 is a…